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ABI CI-148-028-3 SR - Insulating quartz crystal washer PET transparent | Bivar CI-148-028-3SR

Insulating bushings and isulating washers, Insulating quartz crystal washers

ABI CI-148-028-3 SR - Insulating quartz crystal washer PET transparent | Bivar CI-148-028-3SR

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the order unit: 5000 pieces
Part no.: 03316
MOQ / Order unit: 5.000 pieces
Length L: 8,3 mm
Hole distance LA: 3,8 mm
Hole distance LA2: 1,9 mm
Width W: 3,7 mm
Type: Type D
Special feature: self-retaining
Material group: Plastic
Material: PET
Color: clear
UL Listing: UL-94 V-2
Temperature min.: -40 °C
Temperature max.: +105 °C
Design: Case Style VI
RoHS III compliant: Yes

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