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VS 044052 PE sw - Universal plastic sealing plugs to protect drill holes LD-PE black

Seal plugs, Universal seal plugs

VS 044052 PE sw - Universal plastic sealing plugs to protect drill holes LD-PE black

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the order unit: 100 pieces
Part no.: 05109
MOQ / Order unit: 100 pieces
Suitable for thread size: M5
Mounting hole chassis B ch: 4,4 mm
Outside diameter AD: 9,0 mm
Foot height FH: 5,2 mm
Material group: Plastic
Material: PE-LD
Color: black
Temperature min.: -30 °C
Temperature max.: +70 °C
RoHS III compliant: Yes

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Matching product groups to Seal plugs, Universal seal plugs

  • Metal standoffs

  • Metal coupling nuts

  • Standoff insulators

  • Vibration dampeners

Similar product groups as Seal plugs, Universal seal plugs

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